Thursday, May 27, 2010

Natures Forces Experment

We needed to make the house a bit bigger and stronger rather than nice things around the sides to make it look nice.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Natures Forces Glog

I think Emma and I did quite well but we needed to put more info into it.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My knowledge Test Term 2

I needed to do the easy ones first because i got my minuses and pluses wrong.

Monday, May 10, 2010

My Term 2 Feed-Back For My PI

cool pi hannah i think you put a lot of effort in to it.- kale
Very interesting Hannah, I like how it was about pottery.- Ollie
Well done Hannah i like the big pot and it will even look cooler when it is panted well done Hannah!!!!!!!!! -Hadley caleb
well done hannah it was fantastic. that was awseome i think i should give that a try and it was very good -emma & linda
cool pots.- Aidan,Thomas
great pi Hannah you taught me a bit about
pottery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- Sara

Good Job Hannah it was interesting the one that you did home was a bit fingerish.... Pottery was a very good topic to choose next time speak louder and clearer!- Britt
Great PI Hannah loved the pots and how you made them but next time talk louder great pi -Luce and Grace
Awesome P.I Hannah. Your pots were beautiful and amazing. Our favourite was your hand made it was fantastic!!! -Corbin,Mike
Great topic and idea Hannah but try not to make your voice wobble -Maddy and Zia
great clay pots Hannah and it really looks like you put allot of effort into it so congrats Hannah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -caelum
My Feed back- I think I did quite well but next ill speak a bit louder and clearer.